Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Those who are absent for the Exam on 31/03/2015 should write each Question 3 times 

Computer Forensics


1. a) What is Computer Forensics? What are the uses of Computer Forensics in Law        Enforcement?
   b) Explain the types of Military Computer Forensic Technology.

2. a) Explain the steps taken by computer forensics specialists?
   b) Explain the following business computer forensics technology.
        i) Remote monitoring of target Computers
            ii) Theft Recovery software for laptop and PCs.

1. a) What is data back-up and recovery? What are the obstacles to backing-up
b) Explain the step-by-step procedure for the collection of evidence?

2.a) Explain the obstacles you find in backing up applications?
 b) Explain the types of Evidences?

1.a) Discuss the legal aspects of collecting and preserving Computer Forensic evidence.
   b) Explain computer image verification and authentication.

2) Explain the legal aspects of collecting and preserving computer forensics evidence?

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